Mist-y creature (name originates from “mist” and from “mystery”) is a squiggly creature that produces fine water mist. It’s body is made out of solid stainless steel rods, bended and curved to create space for the water tubes hidden underneath. It has 5 rose quartz legs. The height of its legs can be slightly regulated as to ensure the levelling of the object.

The sculpture comes to life once the mist system is tuned on and explores the intangible, the immaterial with water mist becoming the main element of the piece. Once wet, the colour of the pink quartz slightly changes into a darker and more intense pink. Water drops cover the body of Mist-y as the sculpture slightly trembles from the water pressure. When in contact with rays of sunlight a rainbow can be observed.

The piece aims to bring the sensation of the morning fog and delicate water mist observed by the artist on an early morning.

Working with water is an artistic choice that aims to provoke thoughts around the natural resources of our planet. In the midst dry summers and water scarcity, water becomes the most luxurious and rare of all materials.

Mist-y creature is part of my solo show INTANGIBLE during the 2022 Edition of Una Boccata d'arte new region of Lazio. Una Boccata d'arte is a project by Fondazione Elpis and Galleria Continua.

Mist-y creature


Materials: Stainless steel, pink quartz, high-pressure pump, water mist system

Size: 157cm x 30cm x 40cm (H)

Year: 2022

Price: upon request

Photography @ Danilo Donizelli